
We have a flourishing Bursary Fund started in 1996 by Peter Broadbent OBE, a keen amateur flautist who attended OFSS for many years. Full or half bursaries are available for up to 3 or 4 students, aged between 15-24, who can clearly demonstrate that they have significant potential to pursue a career in music and that they would genuinely be unable to attend the course without help with the fees.

This is open to talented, young flute players from anywhere in the world and we welcome all applications.

For more information, and an application form, see the Bursary Fund website.

Bursary applications for OFSS 2024 have now closed. Bursary applications for OFSS 2025 will reopen in January 2025.

Oxford Flute Summer School Bursary Fund is a registered charity no: 1054772